FORTALEZA Natural Rubber Processing

FORTALEZA Natural Rubber Processing Is a Centralized Processing and technology unit.

Is a Centralized Processing and technology unit.

It can produce simultaneously all kinds of centrifuged natural latex products and technically specified natural rubbers. It also has installed laboratories to certify its production. The factory has enough capacity to process the production of all plantations in its region both in form of latex and in block rubber. Capacity is in excess of 26,000 dry tons per year. The objective of this unit is to adjust the products to the requirements of consumers it serves. In this respect it looks away from a pure commodity perspective. 

The concept is to consider specific requirements for each process. Therefore, Procesadora Industrial Fortaleza S.A. looks for consumers that value and require products with particular and consistent properties to make their transformation process more efficient.

NATURA Natural Foam Products

NATURA Natural Foam Products As part of the vertical integration in the natural rubber industry,

As part of the vertical integration
in the natural rubber industry,

this innovative manufacturing facility can produce simultaneously natural latex foam cores and pillows for the bedding industry. Capacity is more than 2,500 MT per year. Using natural latex and state of the art RF drying technology, NATURA is highly energy efficient, green and sustainable, addin value to the supply chain. Guaranteeing its excellent quality with its products, process, and sustainability certifications.

Meeting all our customers’ requirements and expectations. Also, with its own mold workshop and slicers it can adapt to different customers designs and specifications.